I knew it was a beautiful morning when I woke up and saw the orange glow through my bedroom window shades. It had recently rained, so when I looked out the window, I saw the sun radiating through the trees behind my house, illuminating thick swirls of fog with warm light. It was simply magical, and as I brushed hair, poured cereal, and packed snack, I couldn’t stop looking out at the gorgeous view. I glanced at my three year old son, who was finishing his raisin bran. I looked at the clock- my girls’ bus was due to pull up in 7 minutes. I looked at my camera, which was sitting on the counter, tempting me. (I had been taking pictures last night as we celebrated my oldest daughter’s birthday). Finally, I just couldn’t resist anymore. I couldn’t waste this light. I headed outside with my son, who, fortunately, loves to model for me. I knew I only had three minutes to shoot or risk my girls missing their bus, so I hurriedly stood him in front of the trees and fired off a couple of shots. Our breath fogged in the cool morning air, and I heard the quiet rustle of deer running away behind us.
We ran back in and my girls made their bus, just barely. I was out of breath, but felt oddly triumphant.
I realize I’m living with an addiction here… but I never want to change.